[21 .5.2024]

The privacy policy regulates the collection, storage and processing of the personal data collected when you visit our website, complete the contact form on the website or explicitly agree to the processing of your personal data for notification purposes (e-newsletters, special offers, advice, notices of events, etc.).

(as set out in the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable legislation governing the protection of personal data):

LogHOUSE d.o.o.,
Podsmrečje 20,
3342 Gornji Grad

Phone: +386 8 205 8491 or +386 8 205 8490
Fax: +386 8 205 8493

The personal data controller respects your privacy and is obliged to act with due diligence and in accordance with applicable regulations on the protection of personal data when collecting, storing and processing personal data. We need your consent to use, store and process the personal data that you have entrusted to us.

Consent to the protection and processing of personal data

For registrations, the controller uses a strict system of prior approval of use of e-mail addresses (i.e. an opt-in system), meaning that you will be sent e-mails only if you explicitly agree that you wish to receive electronic notices – i.e. with your clear and unambiguous consent (in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).

Podatke, ki nam jih zaupate na kontaktnem obrazcu na spletni strani, potrebujemo, da vam lahko odgovorimo na vaše povpraševanje. Vaših podatkov za druge namene ne obdelujemo in jih ne posredujemo tretjim osebam. Preden izberete potrditveno polje od vas potrebujemo izrecno privolitev, da se strinjate z našo politiko zasebnosti.

If you would like to receive electronic notices (e-newsletters, special offers, advice, notices of events, etc.) we need your explicit consent before you click on the confirmation button on the form on the website.

When you complete and submit the online form you are sending the controller the following contact information:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number

We use the contact information that you provide when you send in the online form exclusively for notification about new features and for personalisation of notices (linking to social platforms such as Facebook, AdWords, etc.), if you gave us consent to do so.

You give your consent to the processing of your personal data when you click on the confirmation button on the online form. You can withdraw your consent at any time, by sending a request to the controller via e-mail. If you withdraw your consent we will no longer use your personal data to send notices about content. Withdrawals of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your personal data during the time prior to the withdrawal of consent.

Personal data are stored for as long as required to achieve the intended purpose (provision of content for purposes of notification). Data obtained on the basis of consents are stored until consent is withdrawn. If the applicable legislation prescribes mandatory time periods for the storage of personal data, the controller erases the personal data after the expiry of the storage period stipulated by law.


Our website uses cookies, which enable the users the display and usage of our websites, adapted to their preferences. Cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer by a web server. The main purpose of the cookie is to save your settings and other data, so that you do not need to enter them on your next visit of our website. The use of cookies is a standard procedure for most websites. The default settings of your browsers enable the use of cookies. If you do not agree with their usage, you can change the browser settings and disable the use of cookies. That can, however, limit the ability of your communication with our website. Even if you accept cookies, you can delete them later with your browser tools. We use the cookies exclusively to improve the user’s experience.

Our website also collects the data about your usage of our website and our web services. With our tool for the analysis of the website we can, for example, gather information about which website you came from, which browser and key words you used to find us, which pages you visited on our website and which browser add-ons, as well as width and height your browser uses. Besides that, we gather the standard information, which browser sends to each visited website, for example IP address, browser type and language, access time and website addresses. All these data are collected for the statistical purposes of our website only.


Such cookies enable the usage of components strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the web page. Without those cookies services, which you would like to use on this web site, would not function properly (for example: log in, safety …).


Those cookies collect the data about the users’ behavior on the web page. Their function is to improve the performance components of the web page (for example: which web pages are most frequently visited …). Those cookies do not gather information which could be used for the identification of the user.


Those cookies enable the web page to remember some of your settings and options (user name, language, region …) and provide advanced, personalized functions. Such cookies can enable tracking of your actions on the web page.


Those cookies are most frequently used by advertising or social networks (third parties) to show you more targeted advertisements, to limit the repetition of the advertisements or to measure the efficiency of the advertising campaigns. Such cookies can enable the tracking of your actions on the web page.

When using the same device and browser the cookies are exceedingly useful. For example, they can remember your settings, they help us follow how you use our web pages and they adapt the displayed content to your personal interest and needs. The cookies used on our websites do not collect information, which would help us identify you personally. In the table below, you can find main cookies, used on our websites, with an explanation of their purpose.

Source of the cookie

Name of the cookie

Purpose of the cookie


Transmission to third parties

Google Analytics


Used to distinguish users and sessions

2 years


Google Analytics


Used to determine new sessions/visits

30 min


Google Analytics


Session duration

Duration of session


Google Analytics


Stores the traffic source or campaign

6 months


This depends on the type of cookie. Session cookies disappear when you close your browser. Persistent cookies expire after several months or even years.

By using this website, you agree that the website can store cookies on your computer or mobile device.

The procedure for managing and deleting the cookies differs according to the browser you use. If you would like to know how to do that with a certain browser, you can use the help function in your browser or visit There you can find step-by-step explanations on how to manage or delete the cookies in most browsers.